It’s a beautiful day. Work on yourself to become your greatest version in order to add maximum value to others. You cannot begin to add maximum value to others if you haven’t added enough value to yourself. Would you take advise from someone that wasn’t beaming with happiness and confidence? Probably not, and they would have a hard time closing you on a sale if you didn’t believe in them. This is why in order to be a great salesperson you must become your greatest version by putting work in everyday on self improvement. Love and blessings, Russell Dean
It's a beautiful day. When chasing your dreams, please make sure that you are facing in the direction of that goal. It can be easy to have an idea or a dream, but you must be moving in that direction for progress. A little progress each day is still progress. Sometimes when I was writing my book I wouldn’t know what topic to write about. Since I was facing that goal and setting the time aside to do it, the ideas would just come to me automatically! What actions are you taking to bring your dreams to reality? Stay in the flow of your progression, every time! Love and respect, Russell Dean
It’s a beautiful day. Having a yes attitude has changed my life by allowing myself to say yes to all my goals. I also keep my prospects saying yes and try my best to always be giving them a yes! If you are always thinking of a yes response, it will automatically shift your reality into a positive one. Say yes and stay blessed, every time! Russell Dean
When fear or stress creep into your mind with thoughts of not achieving your goals for the day, you have to deal with it. This happens to everyone and you can overcome it every time! Your brain will give you a fight or flight option. Flight is not the answer because you’re a closer. Instead you’ll replace that doubting thought with a positive one and then trust the process of letting the universe deliver what your intention is for that day! Peace and love, Russell Dean
It’s a beautiful day, Reading books on sales techniques and self improvement should be something that you continue to do to keep growing. A lot of times we stop doing the things that helped us achieve our goals. It’s important to keep pushing ourselves by reading and implementing the knowledge we read. Reading will help you retain the information much better than audio and video. Please remember when you read a great lesson to implement it into your life until it becomes second nature. Love and respect, Russell Dean
It’s a beautiful day! A new year beginning is a great time to commit a goal to yourself. The best way to initiate your resolution is to write it down. Don’t underestimate what you’re capable of and remember that you can pretty much do whatever you want. I believe that 2018 is the year of opportunity to make all your dreams come true. So be clear on your resolutions, apply hard work and manifest techniques everyday to make them happen. Love and respect , Russell Dean
It's a beautiful day, I hope everyone is enjoying themselves this holiday season. Just a reminder to be here now! All of your business will be there for you next year, so right now take in all of your blessings, like spending time with your loved ones. This is what we work so hard for - to be able to spend time with your loved ones. So enjoy every second of it with your full attention! When New Year's Eve rolls around, take a second to acknowledge all of the hard work you put in to close out another great year and celebrate! Love and respect, Russell Dean
It's a beautiful day. You have infinite potential, you just need to unlock it. To be a great salesperson you must first work on yourself to become your greatest version. Knowing sales techniques are about 20% of the equation and the rest is all self improvement. Knowing who you are, loving yourself and putting in daily effort to become the person you’re supposed to be, is key. Not only will you make more money, but you will be happier, and that is priceless. Love and respect, Russell Dean
It's great to always be chasing your dreams and goals while at the same time staying grateful for what you already have. A great method to do this is the Attitude of Gratitude. Before you get out of bed in the morning, go over everything that you can think of that you are grateful for. This will put the laws of the universe into motion and let you manifest your goals a lot faster! I do believe that gratitude is a big part of bringing happiness into your life and that's why the more you can be grateful through the day the better. Love and blessings, Russell Dean
Staying healthy and closing while your competition is taking another sick day, will put a lot more money in your bank account. I spend a lot of money on supplements to boost my immune system, but I believe the two most powerful methods are free! 1. Take a cold shower for at least 3 minutes and let the water hit you in the chest and in the small of your back. This activates your immune system and your body starts fighting off viruses. 2. Limit your sugar intake because your body cannot heal itself while it is breaking down sugar. Have a great day and remember that health is wealth! Love and blessings! Russell Dean